Friday, 25 July 2014

6 months Corrected !!!

Just a few days ago my sweetie turn six (SIX!!!) months corrected. Wow. It is crazy to me how very far she has come. 

She just started showing some real interest in rolling from front to back. I think with her newfound willpower she might start progressing faster on that front! Sitting in the corner of a couch is getting more and more stable with some protection responses from her arms. She also just recently started grabbing and holding her knees! Yay!

She started intermittently saying "baba", we think she either means "dada" or bottle. Same thing right?

Two little teeth have simultaneously pierced through (July 31st). Lots of nights where she woke up hourly and days of fussiness. But she's such a little trooper, often smiling through the pain!

Her current solid food situation is to avoid cereals at all cost - they constipate her way too much! Her pediatrician is ok with that because she gets her iron from her daily supplement anyway. No apples or bananas either.

Current foods: pear, prune, avocado (pearvocado really), carrots and zucchini.

She is loving the interactive books, often sitting with us 20 minutes or so feeling the different textures!

We love our little snugglebug to bits!!


Wednesday, 16 July 2014

5 Months Corrected!!

This is late, but its really just as a reminder to myself that on her 5 month corrected bday, she said MAMA!!! For the very first time!!! And not some mumbly babble, but a really clear mama after a super concentrated effort. 

Gosh I love my girl!!