Current Nicknames :
Weight :
Not sure because its been a while, but definitely over 14lbs.
Medical Issues :
Thankfully nothing too bad to report here! Physio has been going well, you are within corrected age milestones.
We had an ophthalmology appointment and you have a bit of hypermetropia. No need for glasses just yet, but we need to watch out for crossed eyes. The doctor didn't seem too concerned, our next apt is only in a year.
You had a solid few months of waking up every hour, but now by being a bit more rigourous with our bedtime routine, you wake up every 3-4 hours.
You wear a mix of 3-6 and 6-9 month cloths! You are on size 2-3 disposable diapers and your small Fuzzibunz perfect size still fit you wonderfully!
So much new solid food! Your favorite is "pearvocado", but you've also tried banana, apple, green beans, peas, potatoes, sweet potatoes, pears, nectarines, asparagus, rice, oats, turkey and lamb.
Baby Gear Love:
Your favorite game is "peakaboo barn" on the iPad, we can get you to sit a solid 5-10 minutes button mashing away at it. Otherwise, you really like the activity table!
You still really enjoy plastic rings, especially bringing them up to your mouth and trying to munch on them!
Your favorite book is "if I were a monkey"
You can sit unsupported a good while and have started to show backwards righting reflexes.
Still having a rough time rolling from back to front, but you have definitely done it on your own.
You say Mamama, bababa and grrrrrrrr/grrrrrrma/grrrrrranpapa all day long!!!
So much lalalalove!