Some sweet friends sent you a second month care package - apparently Red is Best
was one of their childhood favourites and really shaped them (and I believe it, their wedding color was red!). The jumper will be the perfect size for this summer and you LOVE the book, I think it must be the high contrast of red against white, you stared at the pictures the whole time we read it to you!
I thought it might be nice to write down what your world is like these days.
I thought it might be nice to write down what your world is like these days.
Oh how far you have come! You are such a joy to wake up to in the morning, after a sleep you always have the most beautiful smiles! I think you might be a morning baby. You especially smile when we say "mamama", "agoooo" or "gaaaaa" the latter two being sounds you tend to coo at us a few times per day. You have great little chitchats with your Mina, she has a knack for making you smile and laugh!
You like to stare into our eyes and sometimes follow us around the room. I think you still prefer black and white to colors because you like looking at Rodrigo the butterflies black and white side better than his colourful tummy. I think Rodrigo is your favourite toy, although recently you seem quite fond of the barnyard animals that make noises.
You managed to sleep 6 and 7 hours straight around Dada's birthday, but because your weight gain slowed down a bit, we've been told to wake you up every 4 hours at night. I don't know how you do it, but it seems like you breastfeed while completely asleep. Those nighttime moments are really precious, you are so cuddly and calm.
Feeding in general is going well, you eat 7-9 times per day with 1-2 bottle feeds. We have restarted enriching one bottle per day again because of you slight slowing in weight. You don't seem to mind the enrichment, but you definitely prefer the breast to the bottle! You definitely hate your iron, but we seem to have you tricked by giving it to you when you have your pacifier. If we give it to you in a bottle you spit it all out, so now most of your onesies and pyjamas have yellow stains! I spoke to the Nutritionist today and we can let you sleep 6 hours between night feeds! Yay! Sometes you get Mama to dance around the room when you are feeding, you seem to prefer the constant movement to the rocking. You like grabbing my hair when you feed and sometimes you tickle my sides!
You are a little snuggle bug, you love being held nice and close! When you cry and it is not time for feeding or a diaper change, usually holding you nice and close and doing little squats with you does the trick! Or playing a sweet Justin Bieber teddybear
Physio wise, we carry you around pretty much in feral position and need to stimulate your pects because you tend to pop like a popcorn otherwise. We do lots of tummy time which you don't really like, but recently you've started to use your arms to push down when you lift your head. This is a great improvement! You seem to prefer looking towards the right when you are on your tummy and to the left when you are on your back, but we are working on it. You also keep your hands more open than you did just a few weeks ago. You regularly bring your hands to your face when you are held in a hood position. On your back you still mostly have your hands in the air, but sometimes you bring them down or to your mouth yourself, especially if you have a soother!
Your Dadada and I are so proud of you! You are such a sweet and happy baby even when we ask you to do so many exhausting physio exercises! You are the love of our lives, thank you for being sweet little perfect you!
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