Current nicknames :
Tite cocotte, princess pie, little lady
Weight :
4.99 kg (almost 11lbs!)
Height :
About 57cm
Medical Issues :
I think this is my favorite category this month:
Our pediatrician could hardly believe you were (?are) a preemie because you hit the 25 percentile of weight.
Your respirologist who had previously demoted you from the BPD clinic to his general respirology clinic told us you no longer needed respirology follow-up! Your chest xray looked perfect, although he did warn us that you still have underlying mild to moderate BPD (downgraded, or should I say upgraded, from moderate) and you remain at risk of severe complications if you were to get a respiratory infection. Still a win in my books though!
A pediatric physiatrist essentially told us you are developping well and have no clear motor delays to date. While there are no guarantees, this news has certainly put some of our worries to rest.
Lastly, you started taking Zantac twice a day for reflux. You are not a fan! It tastes quite strongly of mint, we'll have to see what you eventually think of toothpaste, I predict more difficult times ahead!
You regularly sleep 6-7 hours at night. The days are still a bit all over the place, but in general I'd say you have three longer naps.
You are starting to grow out of your 0-3 month clothing. I'm excited for you to start wearing your pretty 6 month sized summer outfits! Here you are in our current favorite outfit (a little dress with black leggings):
Still exclusive breastmilk, with the occasionnal enriched bottle.
Baby Gear Love:
Your favorite toy is "Rodrigo" or "Eduardo" a lamaze toy
You adore hanging out in your sweet vibrating rocker
You are not super into books yet, but I'm sure that will come!
This past month you have really mastered holding your head up while sitting or being held.
A few weeks ago you clearly imitated us for the first time : you blow us kisses (smack your lips)
Your coos have definitely transformed into babbles. I swear you said mama two days ago, but your dad was there too and he is skeptical. I think he just hasn't mastered babyeese yet!
Things I don't want to forget:
You LOVE it, often breaking into smile or cooing, when we talk while sticking our tongue out. You seem to find it sooooo silly! Eg. when we say : Lalalalalalove.
You have such a sweet little personality, we are so very lucky that you are our daughter and we get to hang out with you everyday! I can't wait to learn more and more about you!
So much lalalalove!
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