Monday, 13 October 2014

11 months old!

Little sweetie is less than a month away from being a whole year old!!!

I am a little apprehensive about the so-called "anniversary season" coming up around the corner, but she has been doing some nice progress both on the physical front and socially, so I'm hoping that all the good news with lighten the blow of remembering some pretty scary times!

Current nicknames : cocotte, pumpkin pie

Weight and height... deferred until weigh in for her 1 year doctor's appointment (and yucky vaccines!)


Still no respiratory infections for sweetie, or any sickness at all really! We've been trying really really hard to keep her protected from any possible infection! Anyone else scared about enterovirus D68?!

Her eyes seem to be focusing well, no crossed-eyeness for now, so I'm guessing the hypermetropia is under control.


She is eating 3 meals a day and still breastfeeding despite the fact that I have returned to work. Good thing I froze so much milk up when she was in the NICU! Favorite food right now : Raspberries!


Using size 3! They seem a little big, but all the better to cover her over night. Our fabric diapers need a stripping and since I have a front load washer, that task has been put off for now.


She loves playing with blocks and squeeky toys!


October first she pivoted for the first time!! It was amazing!!! She has become so much more mobile recently, rolling back to front and back again. Now we are onto trying to get her to go from tummy time to sitting on her own.

Socially, she is way more giggly than before. Still saying mamamama like it is going out of style, but also saying baba, grrrrrampa, dada, and today she started saying buuuhhh. There are also a bunch of other sounds that are difficult to pin point, but there has definitely been some progress there.

She is banging toys together and pincer grasping I believe.

For the official development update, we'll have to wait till October 27th for our next neurodevelopment appointment.

Gosh I love this girl! Now to try to figure out this whole work/home life balance!


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