Current Nicknames :
Pumpkin, pumpkin pie
Weight :
5.51 kg (over 12lbs!)
Height :
About 60 cm
Medical Issues :
Although we got our discharge from respirology, we are having a hard time breaking out of the lock-in mentality... We know you are still at risk of having a pretty bad respiratory infection, so no risk seems reasonable.
Our Neurodevelopment 4 month assessment is coming up tomorrow, so for now we are hopeful that things are going well. You are certainly improving quite a bit! That darn tummy time is still not easy though!
Although you had been sleeping 6-7 hours per night, recently you've started waking up after 5, super hungry. Lets hope that you are going through a growth spurt!
You have officially grown our of your 0-3 month clothing! You are on size 2 disposable diapers and your small Fuzzibunz perfect size still fit you wonderfully!
Still exclusive breastmilk, with the occasionnal enriched bottle.
Baby Gear Love:
Your favorite toy is "Roary", a pink and green lion that rattles. He had helped you a lot by getting your arms down and forward because you like hugging him so much!
You really enjoy plastic rings, especially bringing them up to your mouth and trying to munch on them!
You still adore hanging out in your sweet vibrating rocker
You have started to be interested in the patterns of your pretty play mat - so helpful in keeping you distracted while doing your dreaded tummy time!
You have started to be interested in the patterns of your pretty play mat - so helpful in keeping you distracted while doing your dreaded tummy time!
Still not super into books yet, but I'm sure that will come!
You rolled over from your tummy to your back for the first time! It was a total fluke, and you haven't repeated it yet... the neurodevelopment nurse thinks its because of your extensor tone, but whatever, you rolled!!
You have DEFINITELY discovered your hands this month! When you are not cooing you are focusing on your hands and trying to get them into your mouth, often folding over in the process!
You LOVE it when we whistle and sing to you! Often, you will hum along with us, making a super cute happy cooing sound.
You have started majorly drooling. Mina and Grandpapa think you have starting teething... I kind of hope you haven't because I'm worried the iron will stain your teeth.
Today you grabbed at your feet for the first time. I was holding them up in front of you, but still, it was the first time you seemed to realize they existed!
Finally, you LOVE looking at yourself in the mirror. Its like you've found a new friend! Lots of happy cooing going on when you catch sight of yourself!
Still no mama or dada in sight.
Things I don't want to forget:
Your smile lights up a room. Just like your dad who was nicknamed "l'halloween" because of his huge grin, you sure know how to melt our hearts with your great big smile!
So much lalalalove!
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