Thursday 17 April 2014

100 Happy Days #30 - Great Doctor's Appointment!

We had a much awaited appointment with a pediatric physiatry (also known as physical medicine and rehabilitation) specialist today. After some not so great meetings with the physio and neonatologist, who told us that many of miss V's movement were abnormal (without settling on a diagnosis), we were bracing ourselves for the worse. Boy were we wrong! 

The doctor was so sweet and reassuring! She basically said that because miss V has good head control, good contact and has been cooing up a storm that the bit of stiffness in her arms is not worriesome. Plus, she reminded us that from a neurological perspective, it is miss V's performance at her best that counts (she opens her hands and brings her arms forward, even reaching for objects when she is relaxed at home, but is quite stiff and stressed during her medical visits).

We are to encourage arm usage by playing with her on her side (gravity helps her reach for objects) and generally try to keep her in positions that help her relax. They even suggested learning baby massage techniques! That sounds like so much more fun than fighting with her during tummytime!

Although of course nothing is guaranteed in life, it sure felt nice to be reassured that our sweetie is doing well! I know two parents who will be sleeping soundly tonight!


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