Tuesday 29 April 2014

Hypoallergenic Diet For Reflux

Yesterday, the dietician responsible for following V's growth recommended I try a diet without any milk products to see if this might be the cause of what seems to be reflux. Apparently it is very difficult to distinguish reflux from bovine protein allergy in infants and in a few rare-ish cases, eliminating all dairy products from the mother's diet solves the problem completely! We should see a change in 48 hours.

So here I go on a non-dairy diet! To keep my calcium intake high, we got a super pack of soy milk (chocolate flavored!), so that won't be so bad. Turns out chocolate soy in coffee is kinda yummy. No cheese is going to be more difficult, but I am up for the challenge! What we wouldn't do for our bubs right?

Also, we have to skip the enrichment for the next 48 hours because it has some milk protein in it. Not that it will change her calorie intake that much, yesterday night she flat out refused the bottle... I'm really hoping the reason for this is the milk proteins, though I realize the chances are slim.

I have been researching diet changes and its effects on reflux, later this week I'll compile what I found and share it here!

For now, I have to go, time to breastfeed my hungry babe.

Wish me luck!


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